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Voodoo said...

Downloaded the english Digital. Does not want to keep the settings. The german one does? Can you please fix the english one?

webmaster said...

Oh, thanks.
There really was a bug in the english version of the Digital Clock. Now I have corrected it and it should work fine now.
(new english version is 0.2.1)

Voodoo said...

Thank you very much. The English version is also now 100%. Just one request: if you ever want to update please include opacity so we can change the opacity.

Thanks again for a very nice piece of software.

Voodoo said...

Hi there, me again. Can you please tell me what font you used in the Clocket6 six screen shot? ( The black one with the lines in the letters)

webmaster said...

the opacity is already included in the gadget itself. Just a right click on it, and you can choose in the menu the opacity you want.

The font is called FFF Tusj which you can find here:

Have fun!

Voodoo said...

Thanks, much appreciated. ;-)

trhoades said...

When a font does not have a designated language it will not work. Help?

webmaster said...

The language of the font should not matter, as long as the font contains a character set for numbers. You can find out in the installed fonts in the <…/Windows/Fonts> folder. Here can read the exact name of the font, which you have to enter.
I hope this helps you.

trhoades said...

Hi again!

If you look at this screen shot:

You can see the date with characters like Y, J, G, that go below, they are cutoff. ('Y' in Wednesday and July in this one) Anyway to fix this (besides choosing another font) ?

And a suggestion: be able to add little th for 28th, st for 1st, nd for 2nd, rd for 3rd, th to 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, etc..


trhoades said...

also another suggestion for the english version: being able to have 12h am/pm without a 0 in front of 1:00-9:00. (so my screenshot above would read 2:47 instead of 02:47)

best regards and thanks for your work! - T

carmine said...

there are settings on the digital clock that still need work, like am-pm and 24 hr don`t work.

webmaster said...

Thanks for your comments

I have increased the height of the gadget(version 0.9.1), so it should fit now. Furthermore you can choose now, if you want a leading zero or not. The th thing makes a bit more work ... maybe someday...

the settings should work, perhaps you can`t see the whole line (try to increase the gadget width in your settings).

Best Regards
the webmaster

SamReader said...

um September is spelled wrong on the English clock, it's spelled Septemper
other than that clock is exactly what I need thanks.

webmaster said...

now corrected

Voodoo said...

Greetings, in the English version December and the date dont have a space eg: "December13". Can you please fix this? Thanks. Voodoo

Voodoo said...

Thanks for the quick fix. Much appreciated.

Ryan said...

I love the Digital (Clocket6) clock, and the recent updates. I was wondering if it might be possible to make an additional "right" justified option instead of the default "left" justified? Thanks and keep up the great work.

Anonymous said...

Nice digital clock, but when you close the gadget, the font/size/color settings are deleted...

Anonymous said...

...but I have found the solution : just edit "gadget.html" with your own settings !

we only learn from trial and error said...

the date is 1 day ahead on the windows 7 x64 clock lol gotta play with this, hope i can keep it, yes I know gadgets work best on x86 and that I can download a switching tool :)

we only learn from trial and error said... said...

Ok just updated app, seems to be correct now :)

Anonymous said...

Sehr schön - would also be nice if there was an option for an hourly chime.

Anonymous said...

I really like your gadget but is it possible to have the date in french! Thanks in advance!

Robert, Montreal , Canada

Anonymous said...

very pretty.
I work with people in Beijing, and I want to be able to quickly see what time it is there.

3 requests:
1. Allow me to choose a timezone for each clock
2. Display a label or name on the clock face
3. Show AM/PM on the clock face, or display as black for night (6pm to 6am) and white for day (6am to 6pm).

thank you!

Anonymous said...

Very nice clock, would you please add timezone selection and seconds hand.

Anonymous said...

I just want to say thanks for the digital clock, it was exactly what I was looking for. : D

Anonymous said...

Hallo! The digital clock is very elegant, danke!

Anonymous said...

The digital clocket6 is just what I've been looking for. I like the way it works. Thank you for making it.

Anonymous said...

How to add time zone UTC+5:30 ?

I tried 5.5, 5:30, +5:30, +5.5 .. none of them seem to work.

thank you for making this gadget !

webmaster said...

you could try it with a comma (5,5). It works at least for my PC.

Anonymous said...

In English the 9th month of the year is spelled "September". Thanks. Nicely done gadget.

Dirk said...

I like the Digital Clock with Date, but could you please change the spelling to September from Septemper?

webmaster said...

On the website's version 1.0 ( the "September" typo is already corrected!

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say you spelled September wrong it says "Septemper"

DJ said...

In the English (US) version September is misspelled as Septemper.

G said...

I like it a lot! There's only one problem, I have to constantly adjust the date font size as the number of characters in the date changes the end disappears out of view.

Po said...

I really like the digital clock on windows 7 desktop. Only problem is the spelling of Septem(p)er should be September

Anonymous said...

Thank you for making this gadget, it helps me a lot :)

FYI - there is a small bug:
On the settings you have a time zone, but it makes the Timezone comparing to your time zone.
For example: my Timezone is +2GMT.
So in the settings I set it to "0" to get the correct time.

Unknown said...

I do love the digital clock! I use it on my home computer and at work. Today when I got to work my computer had rebooted after some updates and now the clock is basically invisible. I can find it using the win+g combo but I can't seem to make it visible. :(

targ said...

Using the English version of the digital clock, and December is spelled incorrectly: "Dezember."

Unknown said...

I'm sorry, but how to change the time zone into PST -8?
i tried to put -8, but it didn't show the right time..

webmaster said...

@targ: Spelling issues are already corrected in the current version (1.0)

@beastunderground: the time zone input is relative to the time setting of your computer. If yours is PST, -8 should work.

Anonymous said...

You are awesome! I love my new simple clock! Thank you so much :)

jneri said...

downloading digital clock6 installs to gadgets but does not show on desktop when you drag it or select add

Thomas said...

Excellent, almost exactly what I need (I need to keep track of multiple time zones for work, so I have 4 of these running). My only recommendation would be to base the clock off of GMT instead of your system clock, and to integrate an online sync feature for accurately tracking other time zones. We just had daylight savings change in the US, but not in Europe or Asia, so all of my world clocks were an hour off. And they will be again when these other countries have their daylight savings change - and I may not be aware of that change when it happens, so I can't depend on myself to update the clocks manually.

Otherwise, thanks for a great gadget!

Anonymous said...

Still very enthusiastic about the Digital Clocket. However, I can't seem to get the HEX color notation to work. No matter what combination of letters and numbers I choose, and whether or not I add "#" before it, the color remains black. Typing the name of a color ("blue") does work. What am I missing?

Anonymous said...

I love your clocket and have used it since I first found you online years ago. I've never had any trouble until now and I can't seem to solve it on my own. HELP! I have lost the clocket from my desktop and windows says it's running, but I cannot see it anywhere. I tried to uninstall, but it's not showing in the uninstall. I tried to reinstall over the old one, but it says that it cannot do that because the old version is still running. How do I kill the clocket and reinstall or get it back on my desktop? Thank you for such a wonderful clock, but I really need to know how to get it back! thanks!

Anonymous said...

Hi, In the english version of Digital Clockets 6, December is misspelled as Dezember

Anonymous said...

December is misspelled. (Coming up as Dezember)

Anonymous said...

Like the simple clocket 6, would like a way to NOT display a date at all and if not I'd like to be able to use "center" justification


Anonymous said...

was looking at digital clockets 6 - but want something that also shows "seconds"...

Unknown said...

LOVE this gadget BUT would love "Always on top" feature.

N.F. said...

On Clock , Digital, in the English version there is no opportunity to choose 12-hour or 24-hour clock... it is always 24-hour clock.

Dubay Dog said...

Very clunky operation but looks good. Please check spelling. September is not spelled correctly.

Willow said...

Hi, good job,
But i would like to creat atlist 3 clocks on my desktop to have different time zone time.

IS That possible? and how to do so?

Thanks in advance!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

December is displaying in German as 'Dezember' & there is no space between the number, Dezember1.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
December is misspelled. (Coming up as Dezember)


Anonymous said...

If the text is bigger than 29 px the am/pm only shows part of the a or p

Karen Grube said...

I don't know if this is an English version of the gadget or not. All I can tell you is that December isn't spelled Dezember. I hope you can fix that.

Anonymous said...

Greetings. September is not spelled correctly in this widget.

Unknown said...

love the clocks, but would like a small mod.
in the digital clock, the day is abbreviated, like mon, tues, so on
and the month is fully spelled out. i would like to have it the other way round. the whole day spelled out and the month abbreviated.
how can i do this?

norahcar said...

I love these desktop clocks but when I change from the default small font to medium font, I can no longer see any clock gadget. Is there a fix for this?

Ken Russell said...

Even though I haven't changed the settings the display often changes in size. I am using the English version. Any clues?

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